My Space, Bebo, Hi5, Facebook, Flickr, the list is endless (can someone tell me why I keep getting tagged?). Let's face it, the social networking sites have become a quintessential part of our generation. They are a good way to keep in contact with far-off family and invaluable for noseying into the lives of old school friends.
Their unforseen popularity means that they are goldmines for youth-oriented business. It's the way that many new musuc artists, like Sandi Thom, have got a foot up into the music world, even David Cameron has a blog (but he's trying just a little too hard anyway - hug a hoodie? I'd love to see him embrace a Nike-clad Six footer in Brixton). So if these sites have been so widely integrated into society, why are we so hesitant to claim our e-friendships?
E-Blind date, but a little less bait
'm sure that "social networking" is simply match.com in disguise! The amount of one line messages I get beginning:
1) Yo shorty!
2) Do you have msn?
3) msg mi bak init babes. Ur 2 buff
is relative to the amount of Krispy Kremes I would like to eat in a week (without being sick, in an ideal world). If you are gonna come with that, at least appear sincerely interested. I mean, when we see that your top friends circle is all cleavage and hair extensions, if we were even slightly inclined to think you were serious, I know I'm left thinking, 'You! Are you sure?!'
Having said that, I do also know that you can come across some decent people. Those who are trying to network professionally and get their talent showcased, for example. But why is it that when you're out with your normal group of friends and one of them asks you, 'Who's that? I've never seen them before?' the tendancy is to avoid eye contact and mumble something inaudible in the hope that the moment will pass? Either that or, make up some convoluted explaination of how you met outside Londis, but you knew her before because she was your cousin's ex-girlfriend's babysitter?
Now that's not very nice is it? ;o)
1 comment:
Good one!
I've joined hi5 and that was a year ago, or maybe longer I dunno....Or maybe I haven't been there for a year??? Something like that anyway...
I would be ashamed to say I met someone on some networking website to be honest. Might as well do some internet dating, 'innit'.
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