Thursday, 19 April 2007

The way I see it... (Haven't you ever made a mistake?)

Where's the power in being physically exposed? To me that shows Your mind's been overload-ed With the lies in the videos. And since when did sex become love? Love comes after sex We're confused Like which came first, the chicken or the egg? Funny I thought love came from the heart Not from the head. Went round to watch a DVD Ended up in his bed. God never gives us more than we can handle But flipped - He never gives us more responsibility Until we prove we're worthy of it. I'm on the same roundabout Just in a different bed. I know I shouldn't be here But he said he liked my legs. And my back off But he won't back off 'Til he gets what he's after Then he smokes a zoot after. 'Cos that's what I need to hear 'Cos it's my biggest fear Not to be loves 'Cos I already don't love me Why should I? When negativity is all I see When will learn? Hear my heart yearn? Stop drownin' it out with the drugs up my snout? Bussin' low batties with low self esteem to match. But at least I match Everyone else right? So no one can pick me out In a line From left to right. 'Cos I'm shook you see Say they see my individuality? See the real me? The 'me' that God created? The 'me' that stays understated Because of what they might say And what they might think. 'Cos the world rules our minds and our bodies Even though we may not agree And it's so much easier to be a shade of grey Than a pink or a blue or a green. And it's so much easier to be a shade of grey Than a pink or a blue or a green But I'm tellin' you, Have faith the size of a mustard seed 'Cos it can move mountains And even change you and me Seen?

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